domingo, 21 de mayo de 2017


hombre rico dibujos animados con bigote


1. What expectations has the man to be rich?      

The man want to be alchemist for become 
to be rich, he think that it will be an easy way,
night and day he dreamt of finding the secret 
of the alchemists for change the dirt into gold.

He was sure that this way they could one day be rich
without working. 

Resultado de imagen para camino facilResultado de imagen para signo pesos                                               

                                                                                 2. Explain how has the story helped you to 
                                                                                     be better person?
Resultado de imagen para contadora animadaThe tale has helped me to be better person because this leaves a teaching for have present in the life, that is always I exert yourself for 
achieve that I want and I don't expect that everything to be easy.


Resultado de imagen para contadora animada


sábado, 25 de marzo de 2017

CHAPTER 2. The thief of smells



                                                      THE THIEF OF SMELLS

Imagen relacionada

1. Explain how fair was the judgement given by the judge as a way to redeem the fault.

The judgement was fair because the smell of bread is not bought nor sold, it have not price, breathe is free, for this the most fair is that the hungry did not pay anything.


Resultado de imagen para panaderia animado                                    Resultado de imagen para hombre pobre animado

CHAPTER 1. The bird of happines

Resultado de imagen para pajaritos animados en el bosque


1. Why is Igor recovering within the time?

Igor is recovering with the time for the help of his father. Igor´s father make a bird out of wood because he wanted to look happy to his son and with this treatment he achieved.

Resultado de imagen para niños observando pajaros2. Explain how effective was the treatment his father planned. 

The treatment was effective because Igor missed the songs
of the birds and is became ill, for this his father put a bird
made in wood obove Igor´s bed and so the boy could look 
and remember the forest and the its birds and started to improve day by day.

  Resultado de imagen para niños observando pajaros